Action financed by the Instituto Valenciano de Competitividad Empresarial (IVACE) through its “International Financing” line of its program of advice to companies on internationalization, “Cheque Tutorías Internacionalización 2019”.
The advice has consisted in the realization of a (PEI) Strategic Plan for the Internationalization of R&D&I activity (PEI) for Singlar Innovación, which defines the strategic R&D&I lines to be carried out for the period 2020-2022, establishing within these lines a series of strategic projects, as well as calls for international public aid, with special emphasis on the Horizon and Eureka Programs, which contribute with funding to develop the identified projects.
The action has been co-financed by the ERDF Funds within the ERDF Operational Program of the Valencian Community 2014-2020.
File Number: ITTUTF/2019/9
Project title: “Request for specialized advice for Singlar Innovación on the internationalization of its R&D activity”.
Grant received: 2,999.98 € grant.